A collection of interesting papers, mostly for myself to keep track.
Variational Quantum Eigensolver Review
- big review
A variational eigenvalue solver on a quantum processor
- (2013)
Best Quantum Compiling Problems
- compressed quantum shannon decomposition to lowest CX count with lasso
Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits
- proposed the Quantum Shannon Decomposition for arbitrary unitary matrix
- referenced this paper and other implementing unitaryGate for MATLAB
- had some puzzles about the additional optimizations, emailed Shende and he got back!
Optimization of Quantum Circuit Mapping
Elementary Gates for Quantum Computation
- certified classic (1995)
- designed several functions from this
Quantum Tensor Networks in a Nutshell
Tensor Networks for Complex Systems
Optimal Qubit Assignment and Routing via Integer Programming (Qiskit)
- so ironic qubit mapping is already NP-complete
Graph-Coupled Oscillator Networks
- How the Kuromoto/Adler equations fit into this framework?
Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
- the QAOA paper (2014)
Gradients of Parameterized Quantum Gates Using the Parameter-Shift Rule
- Gavin E. Crooks (2019)
Variational Quantum Algorithms
- algorithm is for computing a block-diagonal approximation to Fubini-Study metric tensor for parametrized quantum circuits
Quantum Natural Gradient Demo (Pennylane)
Quantum Natural Language Generation on Near-Term Devices
On the Natural Gradient for Variational Quantum Eigensolver
The Power of Quantum Neural Networks
Closed-Form Continuous-Time Neural Networks
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Seminal)
Grover Adaptive Search for Constrained Polynomial Binary Optimization
Optimized Compilation of Aggregated Instructions for Realistic Quantum Computers
Resource-Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Protein Folding
Resource-Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Protein Folding (Sup. Mat.)
Gate-Free State Preparation for Fast Variational Quantum Eigensolver Simulations
GRAPE: Design of NMR Pulse Sequences by Gradient Ascent Algorithms
Solving Quantum Chemistry Problems with a D-Wave Quantum Annealer
t|ket⟩: A Retargetable Compiler for NISQ Devices
Approximate Quantum Compiling for Quantum Simulation: A Tensor Network-Based Approach
Foundational Patterns for Efficient Quantum Computing
Thermodynamic AI and the Fluctuation Frontier
- another classic. This one got me into probabilistic bits.
Compiling machine learning programs via high-level tracing
Thermodynamic Matrix Exponentials and Thermodynamic Parallelism
Invariance and equivariance in brains and machines
- really interesting. I got quite distracted for a week or so reading out this and bought an EEG board.
Disentangling images with Lie group transformations and sparse coding
Analog Memory and High-Dimensional Computation
Neuromorphic Visual Scene Understanding with Resonator Networks
Hippocampal memory, cognition, and the role of sleep
Computing with Residue Numbers in High-Dimensional Representation
- curious about residue numbers in quantum. This or another paper had application for subset sum, but I can’t remember
Visual scene analysis via factorization of HD vectors
Classically Estimating Observables of Noiseless Quantum Circuits
Classical Surrogate Simulation of Quantum Systems with LOWESA
Tensorized Pauli decomposition algorithm
PauliComposer: Compute Tensor Products of Pauli Matrices Efficiently
Decomposing dense matrices into dense Pauli tensors
Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits
Variational quantum optimization with multibasis encodings
Statistical Physics of Self-Replication
Transmit LoRa Frames Without a Radio)
Building a simple oscillator based Ising machine for research and education
Geometric Deep Learning Grids, Groups, Graphs, Geodesics, and Gauges
FABLE: Fast Approximate Quantum Circuits for Block-Encodings
Braindrop: A Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Architecture With a Dynamical Systems-Based Programming Model
Noise-injected analog Ising machines enable ultrafast statistical sampling and machine learning
- feature enhancement for Zach’s DIMPLE project
- discusses leveraging Ising-machine-based Boltzmann sampling
- code available
Natural gradient and parameter estimation for quantum Boltzmann machines
The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model
Tensor Algebra on an Optoelectronic Microchip
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics
Running Markov Chain Monte Carlo on Modern Hardware and Software
Oscillator-based Ising Machine
- Tianshi Wang and Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2017)
OIM: Oscillator-based Ising Machines for Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems
- Tianshi Wang and Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2019)
Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using oscillator based Ising machines
- Tianshi Wang and Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2021)
Deep Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
Convolutional Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent
Thermodynamic Computing System for AI Applications
An Elementary Introduction to Kalman Filtering
Coupled-Oscillator Models: State-Space & Dynamics
State Space Approach to Solving RLC circuits
- nice exercise
On the State Space Geometry of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Flow in a Periodic Domain
Circuit Synthesis and Electrical Interpretation of Synchronization in the Kuramoto Model
- wave digital model
- no hardware experiments
Generative models of cortical oscillations: neurobiological implications of the Kuramoto model
A Survey of Spiking Neural Network Accelerator on FPGA
Lyapunov function for the Kuramoto model of nonlinearly coupled oscillators
- original paper, 1993
Novel Computing Paradigms using Oscillators
- one of my favorite papers
Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using oscillator based Ising machines
Use of the CMOS Unbuffered Inverter in Oscillator Circuits
Harmonic Oscillators in CMOS—A Tutorial Overview
- IEEE (2021)
- overview of noise models
Autonomous Probabilistic Coprocessing with Petaflips per Second
- Purdue
- clockless circuit represents asynchronous parallelism to realize Boltzmann Machines in hardware
- no asymptotic guarantees for convergence
- MATLAB MEX interface to AWS FPGA
Hardware-Aware In Situ Learning Based on Stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Roadmap for unconventional computing with nanotechnology
- Jaijeet Roychowdhury
A Modern Primer on Processing in Memory
- good reads
A Simplified Phase Model for Oscillator Based Computing
Analysis and design of sub-harmonically injection locked oscillators
- Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2013?)
Synchronization in Complex Networks of Phase Oscillators: A Survey
Rigorous Q Factor Formulation and Characterization for Nonlinear Oscillators
- Tianshi Wang and Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2017)
Methods for Computing Periodic Steady-State - Part II
An integrated coupled oscillator network to solve optimization problems
- nice overview table
- programmable all-to-all
Analyzing Oscillators using Describing Functions
- Tianshi Wang (2017)
- tf analysis of phase perturbation and locking
- stability condition
Thermodynamic Algorithms for Quadratic Programming
A coherent Ising machine for 2000-node optimization problems
- optical pumps
- overview of experimental setup
Dependence of LC VCO Oscillation Frequency on Bias Current
- Wu 2006
- more notes on cross-coupled LC CMOS
Quantum computing of reacting flows via Hamiltonian simulation
- Lu 2024
Digitally Synthesized Stochastic Flash ADC Using Only Standard Digital Cells
- simple way to use digital gates to perform AD conversion, which usually requires analog components.
- (2023)
- 1.2V
- integer weights
- cross bar arrays
- Horvath 2023
Analog Coupled Oscillator Based Weighted Ising Machine
- MIT Lincoln Lab, 2019
- breadboard, 4 nodes fully connected with cross bar array of digital pots
- no feedback
- get phases from a moving window Fourier transform on time-domain amplitude
- time-to-solution scales with the oscillator frequency
- voltage amplitudes of each oscillator are shifted by 10 V to help distinguish
Provable bounds for noise-free expectation values computed from noisy samples
- Talked to IBM about CVaR
A Rigorous Graphical Technique for Predicting Sub-harmonic Injection Locking in LC Oscillators
- (2014)
Design Issues in CMOS Differential LC Oscillators
- (1999)
Ising machines: Hardware solvers for combinatorial optimization problems
- (2022)
- (2019)
- MIT, Sandia National Labs, UC Berkeley (2022)
- MATLAB, nice appendix with derivations and plots
- area consumption of all-to-all scales O(N^2), time-to-solution scales as O(2^√N)
A unifying framework for mean-field theories of asymmetric kinetic Ising systems
- (2021)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the asymmetric Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
- (2023)
- Tianshi Wang and Jaijeet Roychowdhury (2019)
- lots of overlap with other papers but I got more clues
QCLAB++: Simulating Quantum Circuits on GPUs
- bitshift masks for state vector simulation
- ran some benchmarking
Explicit Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Certain Sparse Matrices
- O(poly(n)) elementary quantum gates for n qubits
FABLE: Fast Approximate Quantum Circuits for Block-Encodings
- some of the quantum gates in MATLAB have this feature
- curious about how this proof applies to unitaryGate
An algebraic quantum circuit compression algorithm for Hamiltonian simulation
QASMTrans: A QASM based Quantum Transpiler Framework for NISQ Devices
- integrated this with MATLAB
- SABRE with a modified lookahead heuristic
- t|ket> would be better but has complicated license
Stability and decay of Bloch oscillations in presence of time-dependent nonlinearity
Recent Advances in Coupled Oscillator Theory
- Ermentrout 2020
Creating electronic oscillator-based Ising machines without external injection locking
- engineered feedback to generate two decay time constants which effectively generates 2nd harmonic internally; implemented using P-MOS (ALD1107)
- used opamp based Schmitt trigger (LM741) stabilized with negative feedback
- coupled using discrete capacitors
- 8V
Oscillator-based optimization: design, emulation, and implementation
- Beattie 2024
- 20 oscillators on large PCB coupled with resistors on separate breadboard
- parallel algo for MATLAB wave digital simulation
- details on technical implementation
An Ising Hamiltonian solver based on coupled stochastic phase-transition nano-oscillators
- A. Raychowdhury and Datta (2021)
- 8 fully-connected node prototype, cross-bar arrays
- comparison table
- 2.56 mW
- Mallick 2022
- Uses SN74HC05 CMOS latches
- MATLAB interface to SPICE
Spintronic devices as next-generation computation accelerators
- Gonzalez 2024
- Comparison table
- Suggested by twitter mutual
On computational capabilities of Ising machines based on nonlinear oscillators
- Erementchouk 2022
- Kuramoto model that assumes oscillators have same period is the ferromagnetic XY model, which is rank-2 semidefinite programming problem (BZM)
- Kuramoto systems are identical to BZM so they converge to 0.87 of optimal in polynomial time
- Rounding problem requires correctly choosing phase direction. The anisotropic state can be destroyed by methods used to stabilize Kuramoto systems (like SHIL!)
Self-contained relaxation-based dynamical Ising machines
- Erementchouk 2023
- Proposes V2 model to solve Kuramoto rounding problem. No matter which spin orientation it will always be the optimal rounding.
- Stochastic perturbations will converge to the optimal solution almost surely in superpolynomial time
- DIMPLE fits this model
Custom CMOS Ising Machine Based on Relaxed Burer-Monteiro-Zhang Heuristic
- Shukla and Erementchouk 2023
- Instead of forcing close-to-binary states, focus on computational capability of the dynamical model driving the machine
Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems
- Mohseni and McMahon 2022
- Comparison table
Augmenting an electronic Ising machine to effectively solve boolean satisfiability
- Sharma 2023
- Cross-bar arrays for cubic terms
100,000-spin coherent Ising machine
- Honjo 2021
- 5km fiber optic cable
A moment-based approach to the dynamical solution of the Kuramoto model
- Perez and Ritort 1997
Stability diagram for the forced Kuramoto model
- Childs 2018
Quantum collective motion of macroscopic mechanical oscillators
- Chegnizadeh 2024
- First time for macroscopic mechanical oscillators to be put in quantum ground state (?)
All-to-all reconfigurability with sparse and higher-order Ising machines
- Kerem Y. Camsari (2024)
- adaptive parallel tempering algorithm
Electrical and Wave Digital Modeling of CMOS-Based Ring Oscillators
- Beattie 2023
Deriving Dense Linear Algebra Libraries
- Bientinesi
- Triangular Lyapunov example in MATLAB
A Performance Study of the 2D Ising Model on GPUs
- NVIDIA 2019
- Code available
A mixed-signal oscillatory neural network for scalable analog computations in phase domain
- Delacour 2023
Non-binary dynamical Ising machines for combinatorial optimization
- Shukla and Erementchouk 2024
- Explores whether continuous spins need to converge to binary values at all
Limits of CMOS and Prospects for Adiabatic/Reversible CMOS
- Micheal Frank 2023
- Vaire Computing
A 1,968-node coupled ring oscillator circuit for combinatorial optimization problem solving
- Moy 2024
- Ahmed 2021
Quantum Boltzmann machine learning of ground-state energies
- Patel 2024
- Graber 2022
A 1,968-node coupled ring oscillator circuit for combinatorial optimization problem solving
- 2022
Experimental investigation of the dynamics of coupled oscillators as Ising machines
- 2021
A Novel Oscillator Ising Machine Coupling Scheme for High-Quality Optimization
- 2024
- Sampling coupler injects a current that depends on the phase difference between interacting oscillators. We prove analytically that using sampling couplers leads to idealized OIMs, abstracting away the waveforms and innate phase sensitivities of the oscillators.
Self-contained relaxation-based dynamical Ising machines
- 2024
- V2 model
On the sample complexity of quantum Boltzmann machine learning
- 2024
Design of a 10GHz Clock Distribution Network Using Coupled Standing-Wave Oscillators
- 2003
Ising Machines: Theory and Practice
- Sagan and Roychowdhury 2023
- Cross-bar array for trucated SVD of coupling matrix
- Novel scheme for positive/negative weights
- MU-MIMO application example
- 2020
- Takemoto 2019
- Takemoto 2021
The Unbearable Slowness of Being: Why do we live at 10 bits/s?
- Zheng 2024
Frequency tunable CMOS ring oscillator-based Ising machine
- Nayan 2024
- Proposes generalized algorithm for monitoring the states of the oscillator network
Stocastic Simulated Quantum Annealing for Fast Solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems
- Onizawa 2023
- MATLAB implementation
- Adib and Katabi
A Study of Phase Noise in Colpitts and LC-Tank CMOS Oscillators
- Andreani 2005
Hyperchaos in coupled Colpitts oscillators
- Cenys 2003
A 350uW 2GHz FBAR transformer coupled Colpitts oscillator with close-in phase noise reduction
- Woo 2017
Complex Dynamics and Synchronization in a System of Magnetically Coupled Colpitts Oscillators
- Kana 2017
A Noise-Shifting Differential Colpitts VCO
- Aparicio 2002
Phase Drift in Networks of Coupled Colpitts Oscillators
- Coria 2021
Studies on the Dynamics of two Mutually Coupled Colpitts Oscillators
- Sarkar 2018
An Efficient Analysis of Amplitude and Phase Dynamics in Networked MEMS-Colpitts Oscillators
- Rahimpour 2025
Simulation and implementation of improved chaotic Colpitts circuit for UWB communications
- Quyen 2010
A Memristor-Based Colpitts Oscillator Circuit
- Zhou 2022
Constructive Proof of Global Lyapunov Function as Potential Function
- Yuan 2010
Ising Machine Based on Coupled Spin Torque Oscillators
- McGoldrick 2020